In the same way that there are thousands of tips and methods to order our house, there are thousands of others that help us achieve an efficient, ecological and fast cleaning.
Since dirt accumulates day after day everywhere and that due to the short time we usually have it is not always possible for us to clean as much as we would like, today we show you some tricks to make having our pristine home much easier than we think. Don’t miss them!
3 tricks to maintain efficient household cleaning
>> Avoid having objects piled up: one of the premises of efficient cleaning is that of less is more. The more items accumulated in the home, the heavier and more difficult the cleaning tasks will be. It is necessary from time to time to assess the use we give to things, so that what does not really fulfill some function, we can withdraw it. It is also important to define those objects that should be cleaned on a regular basis to establish priorities.
>> Establish a cleaning routine: It is very important to establish a consistent cleaning routine in such a way that some tasks are performed regularly, before they become overwhelming. Ifit is always cleaned in the same way, there will be less chance of something being omitted and cleaning will be more efficient. The ideal is to divide the cleaning into two days, since doing it in one day is exhausting, therefore, when dividing it gives the impression that the task takes less time and is easier.
Professional cleaning companies adopt the plan of starting with the “dry” areas, that is, the rooms and the living room, and then the more “wet” areas, such as kitchen and bathrooms. Cleaning is usually from top to bottom, which means starting by dusting and cleaning surfaces, and then floors.
>> Use tools and products that help optimize work: Today, there is a wide range of tools and equipment that optimize work, and make it more efficient and faster. One way to easily access the corners or under the furniture, is to use a sufficiently flexible and lightweight broom vacuum cleaner, which can simplify this task of reaching those more difficult places .
Among the utensils that can not be missing are good quality gloves, as well as microfiber cloths, brushes and resistant mops. A good idea is to have a cart with all the tools and products, or a shelf where they can be placed and always have them at hand.
Extra tip
Another very important tip is not to have a closet of cleaning products that is messy and full of things that are not used. The main thing is to have theessential and so when we prepare to clean we will go straight to what we know we need.
Thanks to these efficient cleaning tips you can keep your home clean and tidyor throughout the year. However, we must bear in mind that there is nothing more effective than striving to maintain our home in the best conditions in our day to day.