Cleaning in shopping malls and supermarkets is an essential activity today to maintain consumer safety. We explain the basics of our work.

Special focus on shopping malls

In the malls we have different risks that we have to cut. To begin with, we find the typical traffic of footprints on the outside, which can bring dirt to the shoes. Thus, a path is drawn on the ground that we must eliminate before it accumulates.

We also need to clean those items that customers frequently come in contact with, such as chairs or railings. This is a point of transmission of bacteria and viruses that we need to control. Especially at this time, it is important to take care of hygiene, both inside the shops and in the common areas.

How do we work?

Our cleaning services are tailored to the customer and modifications can be made to personalize the experience. We work in both specific stores and common areas. That’s why we have a specialized team that knows all the cleaning techniques and the most effective products.

One of the most common ways we work is to do it before or after customer traffic. With the mall closed, our professionals can carefully review every little detail so that the place looks and smells like new. It is a task that does not allow you to rest, as the large volumes of people who enter and leave these places every day are a source of wear and tear.

To alleviate these effects, we have developed specific techniques to be efficient and make the most of these moments. Thus, in the hours when we work behind closed doors, we can do a job as efficiently as possible.

We also offer our services in parallel with the commercial activity. This means that our cleaning professionals will work the normal day of activity in the area or store in particular. So they can intervene at the time, to leave everything clean while customers make purchases. It’s definitely a less rewarding job, as cleaning often gets dirty fast, but effective at the time.

The importance of these cleaning and maintenance services today

Today we live in a time of special delicacy when it comes to cleaning up areas of mass influx. In addition to social distance and other measures, constant and effective sanitation of traffic areas is essential. Otherwise, there may be more virality and covid-19 outbreaks may occur in these centers. The type of approach chosen will vary depending on some aspects as well as the materials used.

At La Mar de Net we take care of cleaning in shopping malls and other similar places. We offer a quality service and paying attention to every detail. If you are looking for a reliable company, contact us!

limpieza en centros comerciales

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    LA MAR DE NET offers its services in the Maresme, Barcelona, Barcelonès and Vallès Oriental (technical and human resources). We are established in these areas and this allows us to react in an agile and effective way. For the rest of Catalonia, consult by clicking here.